
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Labor and Delivery Coaches

So far my labors and deliveries have always shared one thing in common: They are SLOW! We have extra large babies that don't like to come out without a little nudge. Being induced gives me plenty of time in the hospital, surrounded by my favorite cheerleaders. They definitely help me keep my mind off things.
Nurse: "Alrighty, Ms. Wallace. Would you like us to draw your blood first or insert your IV?"
Me: "Um, just...punch me in the face."
Dad: "Honey, why don't you just jump up and down and shake the kid out?"
Me: "Dad, I can't! I'm numb from the waist down."
Dad: "I'm numb from the neck up."
Trudy (mother-in-law): "Did you know the uterus is the strongest muscle in the human body?"
Dave (husband): "I don't should see my hamstrings."
Rachel (sister): "Sara, I heard you can naturally whiten your teeth with a strawberry."
Rachel: "Wait a second..."
Rachel: "IT'S WORKING!"
Nurse: "Okie-dokie, Ms. Wallace. We need to make sure you don't eat anything until after - "
Me: "Oops. Sorry. You don't know my family very well - we don't stop eating for anything."
Mom: "Whooooooooooo wants fro-yo?"

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