
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Big Church

A couple of Mommy Reels ago we made our big announcement. Since then we have learned that baby number four is also BOY number four. We can't stop smiling. Four boys?????? Life is such an adventure with the three we already have, we can only imagine what crazy fun awaits us in February.

My mom affectionately refers to our house as "Baby Land." Things can get pretty intense over here, so I'm happy to say that we are slowly graduating past the baby stage in some areas. For example, we now have one child that can put on his own shoes. Believe me, when you live in Baby Land, this is extrememly exciting.

Another part of graduation for our babies is moving into "Big Church." At our church kids have Sunday school after the sermon, allowing them to sit with thier families during the service. Nursery is available up until about 3 years old. William (our oldest) took to the switch very well. He thinks any day he is going to replace the pastor, so he listens intently to keep his theology straight for when the time comes. George....well, we've been nervous about George. (See "Life with a Two-Year-Old" to see why.) But between the choices of over an hour spent with baby toys or learning how to listen to the sermon, we decided it was time.

We learned from training William that less is more when it comes to bringing things for the kids to do. Toys, books, and snacks might keep them distracted, but they don't keep them quite. Lots of "stuff" also defeats the purpose of teaching them how to listen. The idea is not to condition church for the kids, but condition the kids for church. Besides, it's amazing how a two-year-old can keep himself entertained with nothing but some Bibles, hymnals, and bulletins. With a few minor bumps along the way, we've been pleasantly surprised at how George has adapted. For your amusement, here are the bumps.


(Hymnal - thud)

(Bible - thud)

Me (whisper): Go pick those up, Georgie.

Me (intense whisper): No - Mommy's skirt is NOT a fort.

George: Look, Mommy! I drew a rainbow!

George: Look! Another rainbow!
(FYI - Baby wipes can significantly lighten pen marks...if you catch it quickly.)

George: Can I have a snack?
Me: No, sweetie. No snacks in big church.
George: about an apple?
Me: No, I said -


Me: Ok, why don't you sit on my lap for awhile?

(poke, poke)

George: la la la la la la...........

George: LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!!!!!

Gum bridge.

Body bridge.

Me: Ok, George. Time to go.'s over.

George: Hooray!!!!

And after three "talks" with daddy in the bathroom for three separate tantrums, another successful day at church came to an end for our George. Well, until evening service anyway. *sigh*