
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Training Hearts

Potty training. Using a spoon. Drinking from a cup. I thought those things were tough, but they don't hold a candle to training your child's heart. It's non-stop around the clock and you never know when opportunity will strike. Sometimes I rush so quickly to a discipline issue that I leave an assortment of strange items in my wake: a pan of cold bacon grease on the school desk, a bag of frozen ground beef in the bathroom. No, I'm not crazy. I have toddlers. It's truly a physical and emotional balancing act. Be consistant, but felxible. Be firm, but not harsh. Thankfully, there is a never ending source of grace to meet us each day.

Grace is actually a concept we have been trying to weave into our training recently. Our oldest is three, so it's hit and miss...

Me: William, you were fussy this evening, but I decided you can have a cookie anyway. That's what grace is - getting something you don't deserve, just because I love you.

William: YEAH! I can do what I want and still get cookies!

Sometimes Dave takes a different approach to discipline than I do.

Dave: George, there's no need to drop your food. I am perfectly willing to listen to your complaints if you voice them in a reasonable, logical manner.

(Sometimes they simply don't feel like being logical.)

They also don't understand the concept of "tough love" very well...

Me: William says I make a really mean face. Can you believe it?
Dave: Wow! ...I've actually known that for some time.

I've started the "repeat what I said," but it just doesn't work when you're one year old -

Me: Stop bothering your brother.
George: Hi, Mommy.
Me: George, are you listening? Stop bothering William. Stop bothering...who?
George: Pooh.
Me: No! Stop bothering WILLIAM. Stop bothering who?
George. Winnie the Pooh.

Me: (sigh). Just go play. Bother whoever the heck you want.

Well, tomorrow's a new day with brand new training opportunities. And plenty of new grace.


  1. Now Sara, Imagine William is your only child who can say words and he literally just started speaking them yesterday. That was my world. Very different from yours!

  2. Haha, that's laugh out loud funny stuff. To be able to temper your discipline with a sense of humor will hold you in good stead, Sara and Dave :)

  3. you make me laugh! I love to read your blog..even though my youngest is almost 17! it brings back good memories. You are doing one of the hardest and most important jobs.
